Future Friday

Last Friday Mr. Sweat came to talk to us about working for the GBI. It was very interesting to learn about. I learned a lot on what the different jobs were, and all of the things they had to do during their work day. Mr. Sweat let us see some of the gear that he used such as a mask that he used to breath if the air was not safe, or a bullet proof vest and a helmet. His job sounds like it could be fun but also very dangerous. I enjoyed learning about working in the GBI and i am sure everyone else did too.

Winter Break

For my Winter Break I went to Gatlinburg with my grandparents and my cousins. While we were there it snowed a lot, and on our way home all around us was white, so we couldn’t see the roads very well. We also had an indoor pool in our hotel, so we could go swimming while it was snowing outside! I had a great time and can’t wait until I get to go back.

Future Friday

Last Friday was our third Future Friday and we had Dr. Rickard come and speak to us. Dr. Rickard is a UWG Sr. Lecture Prof. It was very interesting to learn about her job and what all she did during her day. All of the trips that she takes every year, and all of the activities that she does with her students sounds like a lot of fun. Also, I thought it was very nice of her to bring some stuff for us. I also enjoyed listening to all of the things that she likes and dislikes about her job, and what she thinks it takes to be successful. She told us how she started out and how she figured out that she actually wanted to be a UWG Sr. Lecture Prof. Overall her job sounds like it would be fun and i very much enjoyed learning about it.

Future Friday

Last Friday we had a speaker, named Mike Frike, come and talk to us about working as the Quality Assurance at Delta. His job was very interesting to learn about. I especially enjoyed learning about all of the different planes and what everyone did during their work day. I also learned that they have over 900 planes, and they also work on other planes from around the world. I would love to learn more about this job and everything else that comes with being a Quality Assurance at Delta.